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Configuration primer

Configuration overview


Conceptually, Quesma is built as a set of pipelines for incoming requests processing. A pipeline consists of:

  • Frontend connector - responsible for receiving incoming requests and properly responding to them. Frontend connectors define the API which Quesma exposes - for example, Elasticsearch REST API.
  • Processors - responsible for processing incoming data, e.g. translating incoming Elasticsearch Query DSL to SQL.
  • Backend connector - responsible for sending processed data to the backend. Specific types of backend connectors are required by the processors.

An example diagram of the Quesma architecture, where query pipeline retrieves data from both Elasticsearch and ClikHouse while ingest pipeline sends data to ClickHouse only, is shown below:


Frontend connectors

Frontend connector has to have a name, type and config fields.

  • name is a unique identifier for the connector
  • type specifies the type of the connector.
    At this moment, only two frontend connector types are allowed: elasticsearch-fe-query and elasticsearch-fe-ingest.
  • config is a set of configuration options for the connector. Specifying listenPort is mandatory, as this is the port on which Quesma is going to listen for incoming requests. Due to current limitations, all frontend connectors have to listen on the same port.
  - name: elastic-ingest
    type: elasticsearch-fe-ingest
      listenPort: 8080
  - name: elastic-query
    type: elasticsearch-fe-query
      listenPort: 8080

Backend connectors

Backend connector has to have a name, type and config fields.

  • name is a unique identifier for the connector
  • type specifies the type of the connector.
    At this moment, only three backend connector types are allowed: elasticsearch, clickhouse (used for ClickHouse Cloud SaaS service, clickhouse-os and hydrolix.
  • config is a set of configuration options for the connector.
  - name: my-minimal-elasticsearch
    type: elasticsearch
      user: "elastic"
      password: "change-me"
      url: "http://elasticsearch:9200"
  - name: my-clickhouse-data-source
    type: clickhouse-os
      user: "username"
      password: "username-is-password"
      database: "dbname"
      url: "clickhouse://clickhouse:9000"

WARNING: When connecting to ClickHouse or Hydrolix, only the native protocol connection (clickhouse://) is supported.


At this moment there are three types of processors: quesma-v1-processor-query, quesma-v1-processor-ingest and quesma-v1-processor-noop.

  - name: my-query-processor
    type: quesma-v1-processor-query
          target: [ backend-clickhouse ]
                type: geo_point
                type: text
          target: [ backend-elastic ]

To get more specific information on processor configuration, please refer to Processor configuration section.


  • There's a special kind of processor type - quesma-v1-processor-noop. It can be used in both query and ingest pipelines. In conjunction with Elasticsearch frontend and Elasticsearch backend connector, it simply transparently routes the traffic 'as is'.

Pipeline configuration

Pipeline configuration is an entity linking frontend connectors, processors and backend connectors. Pipeline must also have unique name. When referring to processors or connectors in the pipeline configuration, use their name field. Currently Quesma only supports configurations with either a single pipeline or two pipelines.


    - name: my-pipeline-elasticsearch-query-clickhouse
      frontendConnectors: [ elastic-query ]
      processors: [ my-query-processor ]
      backendConnectors: [ my-minimal-elasticsearch, my-clickhouse-data-source ]
    - name: my-pipeline-elasticsearch-ingest-to-clickhouse
      frontendConnectors: [ elastic-ingest ]
      processors: [ my-ingest-processor ]
      backendConnectors: [ my-minimal-elasticsearch, my-clickhouse-data-source ]

Processor configuration

Currently, both quesma-v1-processor-query and quesma-v1-processor-ingest processors have the same configuration options. quesma-v1-processor-noop doesn't have any configuration options.

For query and ingest processors you can configure specific indexes via the indexes dictionary:

  - name: my-query-processor
    type: quesma-v1-processor-query
          target: [ backend-elasticsearch ]
          target: [ backend-clickhouse ]
                type: geo_point
        "*": # Always required
          target: [ backend-elasticsearch ]

Index configuration

indexes configuration is a dictionary of configurations for specific indexes. In the example above, the configuration sets up Quesma's behavior for kibana_sample_data_logs, kibana_sample_data_ecommerce indexes (visible as Elastic indexes), as well as a mandatory field for the default behavior for all other indexes (* entry).

The configuration for an index consists of the following configuration options:

  • target (required): a list of backend connectors that will handle the request. For example the following configuration in the ingest processor:
        target: [ backend-elasticsearch, backend-clickhouse ]
    will dual write ingest requests to my_index to both ElasticSearch and ClickHouse. Note that ElasticSearch/OpenSearch is the only supported backend for the * entry. If no targets are provided (example: target: []) in the configuration of an index in the ingest processor, ingest for that index will be disabled and incoming data will be dropped.
  • override (optional): override the name of table in Hydrolix/ClickHouse (by default Quesma uses the same table name as the index name)
  • useCommonTable (optional): if enabled, Quesma will store data in a single Hydrolix/ClickHouse table named quesma_common_table. See ingest documentation for more details.

Optional configuration options

Quesma licensing configuration

In order to be able to use hydrolix or clickhouse backend connectors, one needs to supply licenseKey in the configuration file. Contact us at [email protected] if you need one.

licenseKey: ZXlKcGJuTjBZV3hzWVhScG...

Quesma logging configuration

  path: "/mnt/logs"
  level: "debug"
  disableFileLogging: false

By default, Quesma container logs only to stdout. If you want to log to a file, set disableFileLogging to false and provide a path to the log file. Make sure the path is writable by the container and is also volume-mounted.